Adjunct professors
Transforming Lives, One Class at a Time

The Adjunct Faculty Association (AFA) kicked our outreach with our Fall “All Adjunct Assembly”
Thank you to the (AFA) Events Committee for their hard work organizing and hosting our event!
all adjunct assembly
adjunct faculty association :Your Voice is Our Voice
Empowering Connections: Fall 2024 Inaugural All-Adjunct Assembly
The Adjunct Faculty Association hosted our inaugural All-Adjunct Assembly at Highland Campus on Thursday, August 29, 2024. This festive, drop-in, indoor/outdoor/virtual event featured a silent auction and T-shirt fundraiser to raise money for the Employee Emergency Fund, giveaways, free office supplies, and books, a Hyflex classroom demonstration, information tables, networking, camaraderie, and free food and refreshments. This social event was open to all adjunct faculty at ACC.
Connecting Over Coffee: A Recap of Our Fall 2024 Virtual Coffee Chats
We hosted three “Coffee Chats” on Zoom in Fall 2024.
Last year, AFA President Amber Luttig-Buonodono initiated our AFA Coffee Chats. Her goal was to conduct a monthly virtual outreach for adjuncts to interact directly with AFA Executive Council members, and it was a huge success. The AFA successfully addressed various issues through a more interpersonal approach. We also recruited new adjuncts to run and get elected as campus representatives to become actively involved in the AFA.
Thank you to our new campus representatives, Gretchen Harries, Chandrasekharan (Chandra) Vanajkshi, and Andrew Costigan, for your involvement in the AFA.
This year, I expanded our Coffee Chats and added professional development opportunities for attendance. We wrapped up our last Coffee Chat with a lively virtual backyard bash.
To view more details on past and future events, please visit the “Coffee Chats” page.
Fall 2024 AFA President Outreach: Engaging Public Speaking Events for Employee Associations
October 18, 2024 - ACC Leadership Academy Program: Employee Association Presentation
December 06, 2024 – Faculty Faculty Development and Evaluation Office: "Welcome Reps" New Riverbat Faculty
Empowering Growth: Professional Development Opportunities for All Adjuncts at AFAEC Fall 2024
The Adjunct Faculty Association invited adjuncts from across the college to participate and earn professional development credits by attending the December 2024 AFAEC Work Session.
Voices of ACC: Empowering Adjuncts Through Storytelling and Discussion: Passionate About Pedagogy Podcast
I created a podcast to provide a platform for outreach focusing on the unique stories and featuring key issues impacting adjuncts at Austin Community College. Each episode delves into key issues that adjuncts encounter, fostering a supportive space for discussion and collaboration among educators.
Advocating for Fairness: Amber Luttig-Buonodono's Push for Mileage Reimbursement for ECS/ECHS Adjuncts
A significant area of focus has been the mileage reimbursement for ECS (Early College Scholars) and ECHS (Early College High School) adjuncts, as well as those teaching across multiple campuses. Leading this important initiative is our Immediate Past President, Amber Luttig-Buonodono.
"Building a Stronger Future: The Launch of Our Adjunct Staffing Committee and Collaboration with Student Voices"
The Adjunct Staffing Committee has been several years in the making, and this year, we successfully staffed our first team. We also collaborated with student government to identify student representatives for this committee.
Chair of the Adjuncts: David Albert
Adjunct Faculty, Transfer: Don Morris
Adjunct Faculty, Transfer: Ping Chu
Adjunct Faculty, Transfer: Marissa Burill
Adjunct Faculty, Distance Education Teaching: Amber Luttig-Buonodono
Adjunct Faculty, Dual Credit: Chandrasekharan (Chandra) Vanajkshi
Adjunct Faculty, Workforce/Continuing Education: Suzon Tropez Holmes
Adjunct Faculty, Workforce/Continuing Education: Noy “Reno” Dudley
Adjunct Faculty, Workforce/Continuing Education: QueenSamantha R. Ackers
Current Adjunct Pay Rates
Effective the Fall 2024 semester, adjuncts will be paid for substitute work at $1.88 per minute of scheduled class time. This adjunct substitute rate is tied to the FY25 minimum Ph.D. LEH rate of $1,500.00.
Adjunct Committee, Departmental Meetings, Other Departmental Assigned Projects Rate:
Effective the Fall 2024 semester, adjuncts will be paid $61.80/hour for participation in ACC committee, Department Meetings, and assigned departmental projects. This adjunct meeting rate is also tied to the FY25 minimum Ph.D. LEH rate of $1,500.00.
Additional Updates from Shared Governance
On October 11, 2024, the College Accessibility Committee (CAC) at Clare Wolf accomplished a significant achievement for our students with the unanimous passage of a resolution granting priority registration to students with disabilities. This crucial step enhances access to courses and supports an equitable academic experience.
In a Blackboard Ultra Transition Team meeting on October 4, 2024 I suggested that the Student Government Association (SGA) join the transition team, allowing students to have a voice in advocacy efforts. Following this, I met with Myles, the ASG President, on October 7 to discuss collaboration.
Grievance AR Shared Governance Appointments
The Administrative Rule AR 4.0702.01 concerning the Resolution of an Employee Grievance has introduced a significant shift by allowing employee associations to appoint representatives to key committees. Each association is now able to designate four members to the Appeals Committee and two members to the Grievance Review Council. This development reflects our successful collaboration with administration to ensure that employee voices are heard and represented in these important oversight bodies. We are appreciative for this interpretation, as it strengthens the involvement of employee associations in the grievance process and promotes a more balanced approach to resolving workplace issues.
Enhancing Virtual Teaching through Diverse Voices: Insights from the Blackboard Ultra Transition Committee
The Blackboard Ultra platform has provided an opportunity to enhance the accessibility and effectiveness of virtual teaching. As a Blackboard Ultra Transition Team member, I've witnessed collaboration across the college, and adjuncts' concerns have been affirmed.
One of the key areas we focused on in the committee was the importance of inclusion in our training programs. Our faculty from different disciplines have unique perspectives. Some may prefer a highly interactive approach, whether in person or virtual. Others are self-directed learners based on previous experience in technology.
Resources are located at this page, there is even a countdown timer =)
Share Your Thoughts: ASAC Meeting on Blackboard LMS Minimum Standards Guidelines
As we approach the forthcoming ASAC (Academic & Student Affairs Council) meeting scheduled for February 7, 2025, we invite you to submit your feedback on Minimum Standards Guidelines for the Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS), particularly as they pertain to administrative rules.
We have until the end of the day on January 31, 2025, to submit our comments and suggestions.
AFA Copy of DRAFT: Blackboard Learning Management System Minimum Standards Administrative Rule 11...
AFA Copy of DRAFT: Blackboard Learning Management System Minimum Standards Guideline/Procedure 11...
The Debate Over Blackboard Ultra Training: Flexibility for Faculty
Recently, a proposal emerged suggesting that completing Blackboard Ultra training should become a requirement for all faculty members to be eligible to teach classes. The AFA advocated that such training remain optional.
There was healthy discourse at the meeting, and the committee decided to keep the training optional,
ACC is fostering an environment where adjuncts feel empowered to learn at their own pace without the fear of being excluded from teaching opportunities. The Blackboard Ultra Transition Team has focused on enhancing support structures for adjuncts for both in-person and virtual, synchronous, and asynchronous learning.
Optional training allows adjuncts to choose their paths while still contributing meaningfully to the content delivery landscape for our students. The AFA is thankful for the collaboration and for hearing adjunct concerns, and we are optimistic that ACC will continue to create a supportive and effective teaching community for all faculty members who serve our students.